Wednesday, January 8, 2014

आश्चर्य रंगमंच

पृथ्वी को मध्ये भागबाट
कालो झन्डा फर्फरौदै
आवाज गुन्जायमान भयो
मुर्दाबाद !

पृथ्वी टक्क रोकिय झै भयो
गुडिरहेका गाडीहरु रोकिय
नेव्योर्क, पेरिस, लण्डन जस्ता सहरहरु
अस्तबेस्त भयो
काला जति हाँस्य
गरिब भनियक रमाए
भोका खान थाले
स्त्री जति बोल्न थाले
ठिक तेही समय
नेपाली परिवेस चली नै रहयो
जस्ता को तेस्तै
नपुंसक रोबेर्ट को परिचय दिदै- सदन
बसन्त ऋतु को अत्तर छर्दै - बागमती
सामाजिक संस्कार सिकाउदै - घुस्पेट
युबा शक्ति को सदुपयोग गर्दै - बेरोजगार
एस्तै एस्तै
परिचय दिदै चिनियो
संसारकै आश्चर्य रंगमंच ।

You are the best

My dear ask
Why should I Promise
And say, you are the best.

You are not the salmon,
Deep into the blue ocean
You, like a tadpoles
waiting for rain to survive
At this mean time,
You are like a scarecrow
just can bring illusion upon stranger
But never can really act.

How can you say
You, like a Robert on the circus
Which collect some dollars
And dance according to others wish,
Can fulfills mine desire
Respect my personality
And live under mine dignity
I can't see any reason
Why should I Promise
And shout,
You are the best.


Back from the work
Silence mouth
Tired muscular fig
Lonely and focused retina
Deep inside the stars
Scattered past doings
Solved... unsolved...
At the same time, I collect
lip of smile From the painful life
Slice of luxury from the sleepless night
And built the house of imagination
I want this
I will do that
Then this will happen
She will smile for me
Mr. XyZ dies.
I make this .......
Cock sings
Do nothing but have no time